Tuesday, August 11, 2020

The Great Shitmaker And Other Tuesday Headlines

Via Tenor
August 11th Is... Presidential Joke Day

'The Ravings Of Mad King Trump' [The Bulwark]

Where Will Donnie Give His Convention Acceptance Speech And Why Should We Care? [Wonkette]

Donnie Sure Hates Women Asking Him Questions [Politico]

Diamond & Silk Finally Resurfaced [Mediaite]

Via Giphy
August 11th Is... Presidential Joke Day

Louis CK Can Still Count On Dave Chappelle [The Hollywood Reporter]

WTF Netflix? [The Daily Beast]

Also: Great Job, Facebook [NBC News]

YAAAAAAAASSSSSSS It's The Last Of The Mohicans [The Rewatchables]

Via BoredPanda
August 11th Is... Presidential Joke Day

Arlington May Finally Be Semi Robert E. Lee-Free [DCist]

The Episode Of Black-Ish Shelved By ABC Will Be In Hulu's Library [The Hollywood Reporter]

The 'Descent Into Madness' Is Over [Special Viewing Unit Podcast]

RuPaul Is Pulling Back From Social Media [Page Six]

Via Gfycat
August 11th Is... Presidential Joke Day

The Sports Illustrated Shitshow [The Daily Beast]

MLB Network Is Playing Around With Coverage This Week [Awful Announcing]

'COVID Kills The College Football Season' [The Bulwark]

Ben Sasse Is Nuts [Deadspin]

Via Tenor
August 11th Is... Presidential Joke Day

Notable Television Premieres
Candid Camera [August 10, 1948]

Arli$$ [August 10, 1996]
Rugrats [August 11, 1991]
The Ren & Stimpy Show [August 11, 1991]
The View [August 11, 1997]

Today's Anti-Trumpidote - VADER