Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Jeopardy! recap for Tue., Aug. 18 - encore from Apr. 7, 2020

Here are today's College Championship contestants:

- Nathaniel, a sophomore at Yale, changed his major five times;
- Kayla, a sophomore at U. of Florida, a chemistry major who volunteered at a Spanish hospital; and
- Sophie, a junior at Florida State, picks independent movies for the students.

Nathaniel regained command when Kayla missed DD2 and went on to a comfortable lead into FJ at $20,000. In second place with $12,000, Kayla was left with a real decision as to how much to wager on FJ, while Sophie was third at $3,200.

DD1, $600 - NAME THE SPEAKER - 1968: "I'm not worried about anything. I'm not fearing any man" (Nathaniel won $800 from his leading score of $5,200.)

DD2, $1,600 - HEALTH & MEDICINE - It's the 10-letter term for an irregular heartbeat, whether the beat is too fast, too slow or erratic (Kayla added a syllable, so lost $3,000 from her total of $8,600 vs. $8,400 for Nathaniel.)

DD3, $1,200 - BRITISH LIT - Hazel is the leader of the rabbits & the brother of Fiver in this beloved novel by Richard Adams (Nathaniel lost $2,000 from his score of $11,600 vs. $7,200 for Kayla.)

FJ - AMERICAN HISTORY - A 1711 bill cleared the names of 22 people who were tried in this town, including Rebecca Nurse, Giles Corey & John Proctor

Everyone wrote the correct response immediately on a laughably easy FJ.

Nathaniel decided to play for the win, adding $4,001 to advance with $24,001. Kayla added $4,501 and leads the wild card chase at $16,501. Sophie doubled up to $6,400 and sits third in the wild card standings.

Cliche conundrums: No one could provide the last two words in "From the sublime to the ridiculous", or the first five words in "Run it up the flagpole and see who salutes".

Correct Qs: DD1 - Who was Martin Luther King? DD2 - What is arrhythmia? DD3 - What is "Watership Down"? FJ - What is Salem, Massachusetts?