- Nibir, a sophomore from U. of Minnesota, plays clarinet in a pep band;
- Natalie, a junior at Liberty U., volunteers in a retirement home; and
- Tyler, a senior at Indiana U., studies the Russian language.
Natalie held the lead after round one, then Tyler went on a rampage, building an easy runaway at $29,200 in the most impressive performance of the week. At $9,800 and $9,700 respectively, Natalie and Nibir were both in position to advance with the right wagers and a correct response to FJ.
DD1, $600 - OLD DEUTERONOMY - Deuteronomy 5 is one of the 2 places in the Bible where this important list is enumerated (Natalie won $1,000 on a true DD.)
DD2, $1,200 - LITERARY GENRES - This Latin American genre with an oxymoronic name involves the extraordinary seeming ordinary (Tyler won $3,400 from his total of $16,600 vs. $9,800 for Natalie.)
DD3, $1,200 - HEAD FOR THE HILLS - Boston's Sentry Hill was renamed this for the light used to warn of intruders (Nibir lost $2,500 from his score of $10.200 vs. $21,600 for Tyler.)
FJ - WORDS IN THE NEWS - On September 25, 2019, searches on merriam-webster.com for the definition of this 3-word Latin term increased by 5,500%
Only Nibir was correct on FJ, adding $8,748 to advance with a wild card at $18,448. For the record, Tyler lost $800 to win with $28,400 and Natalie dropped $5,400 to be eliminated at $4,400.
Triple Stumper of the day: In "Modern Music", the name Jeff Tweedy in a clue didn't lead the players to Wilco, suggesting that the peak of the band's popularity was before their time.
Correct Qs: DD1 - What are the Ten Commandments? DD2 - What is magical realism? DD3 - What is Beacon Hill? FJ - What is quid pro quo?