Sunday, July 26, 2020

Totally Tunes: My Computer Thinks I'm Gay

Technology! It's helpful, it's complicated, it can bring people together or tear them apart! Circuits, numbers, flowers, and all the colors! Musicians REALLY enjoy talking about tech stuff, sometimes really apocalyptic, sometimes in melancholy, and sometimes just going full cloud yelling. It all depends on the artist, really.

This little fella is adorable, until it murders you. Via Pexels

The titular line comes from this great Placebo song about internet friends, and how technology brings us close to people we'll never meet, and never be there for. Yeah, I'm opening this article with an absolutely depressing tune, deal with it.

Okay, after that beautiful bummer, let's have some fun with THE FUTURE! and using prison guard robots (?) to save your ass.

THE DISTANT FUTURE, THE YEAR 2000. This song chronicles the time back in the 90's when the robots took over, and now we all say "affirmative".

Okay, but enough with songs about robots, let's go back to people complaining about technology and how it's supposedly turning all of us into robots who say affirmative or whatever! (Fun fact: I actually quoted this song for an essay in college)

For more of the same, can I offer you this Damon Albarn tune about the loss of individuality because you use your smartphone and tell Alexa to play Damon Albarn songs?

Lastly, I know it isn't much of a tune about technology, but it's named after the great sad robot Marvin! How could I resist myself?

Okay, so now it's your turn! What's your favorite song about technology? Do you prefer songs that are positive, or songs that are negative about technology?

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