Friday, July 10, 2020

Jeopardy! recap for Fri., Jul. 10 - 2019 Tournament of Champions quarterfinal game 5

Here are today's champions:

- Ryan Fenster, a graduate student from Washington state, is still living down the infamous football category;
- Steven Grade, a sports industry consultant from Georgia, took a shave off his playoff beard; and
- Francois Barcomb, a teacher from New York, went to England after his Jeopardy! success.

Francois went on a tremendous run in DJ, crushing the field with $34,300 going into FJ. Ryan lost everything on DD2 and couldn't recover enough to stay alive in the tournament at $4,000. Steven, with $9,200, would need a correct response on FJ to advance.

DD1, $1,000 - NOVEMBER DATEBOOK - On Nov. 9, 1908, a tradition began as hotel guest Archie Bailey ordered 25 of these to be put in the rooms (Francois won $2,500 from his score of $2,600.)

DD2, $1,600 - REVELATIONS - A bestselling 1836 "autobiography" by this frontiersman who died that year was revealed as a hoax in the 1880s (Ryan lost $4,000 on a true DD.)

DD3, $800 - BODIES OF WATER - This sea is fairly straight on Italy's shores, but dented by coves & islands on the Balkan side (Francois, who at $24,300 already had a spot in the next round in the bag, surprisingly bet $8,000 and was correct.)

FJ - LITERARY CHARACTERS - From an 1894 work, his name literally translates to "Tiger King"

Everyone was correct on FJ. Francois wagered $0, while Steven doubled to $18,400 to earn his wild card spot.

Triple Stumper of the day: No one knew the organization formed to teach business savvy to the "Junior" set is Junior Achievement.

Correct Qs: DD1 - What are Gideon Bibles? DD2 - Who was Davy Crockett? DD3 - What is the Adriatic Sea? FJ - Who is Shere Kahn?