Sunday, June 21, 2020

Totally Tunes: Goin' Solo

It happens. For various reasons, including studio meddlin', egos flying, artistic decisions, and more, members of various bands decide to release a solo album. Results may vary, some are very successful (and that's how we end up with Justin Timberlake's annoying mug everywhere), and some are Andrew Ridgeley.

Kinda unrelated photo, but I really like it, via Pexels

It's hilarious that my three favorite bands all have a solo, or various solo projects amongst them. Most of them are quite failed, and that's 100% the best part of all of this. Manic Street Preachers' Nicky Wire only tried to spin-off once, but decided to keep future stuff Manics-only, even when his debut album was critically successful, with beautiful, underrated gems such as this:

Speaking of the Manics, James Dean Bradfield also had a solo album! It was released only a few months earlier than Nicky's. It was also very well reviewed, but like his bandmate, he has chosen not to produce sequels. I think the album is quite bland, actually. Elevator music for the ages:

Another of my favorite bands, The Fratellis, got their lead singer spun-off into a solo project. He's not particularly fond of solo albums, but he has a lot of music he can't see fitting into the band's spirit, so he records it and releases it under his (artistic) name instead. He's two albums in, and particularly good ones, to boot.

My Chemical Romance! Remember them? They were gonna start a reunion tour this year, but COVID-19 had other plans. Anyhoo, after their 2013 split, nearly all of the members split into solo projects or new bands. Of course, their lead singer got dibs on the first solo, a cheesy album that almost makes me rip my ears off... but thankfully his output has gotten better:

Their rhythm guitarist, while not as moderately successful and prone to change the name of his backing band, has the best solo albums.

I couldn't close this article without highlighting Jarvis Cocker's solo project because, even if it isn't Pulp, it's goshdarn good:

What's your favorite solo project/s? Which member from what band you'd like to see release a solo album?

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