Friday, June 19, 2020

Politics Corner, Juneteenth

"Lady Freedom" by skpy is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0 

I don't have much good news for Juneteenth, the original good news day. The best I can come up with is built around bad news which seems to be the historical theme. For horrific reasons most Americans seem to finally understand that racism has not gone away and that we need to do something about it.

Via Dallas Morning News
This does not apply to the President. He may have been talked into moving his Nazi rally to the day after Juneteenth (which he now claims he made famous) but he's still holding it in Tulsa. He's yet to acknowledge the bloody history of whites massacring blacks just for being black in Tulsa.

Since everyone's already looked up Juneteenth (you haven't? get on it) here's a place to start with Tulsa:


Can we put a curfew on the President? Unlike potential protesters he is promising violence in Tulsa. [Politico]

Via New Town Press

The Trump campaign is clearly massaging the nuumbers but no matter how many Nazis show up tomorrow they haven't got a clue how to keep from sending them all home with COVID. I wouldn't care if they weren't about to spread the virus to millions of people who aren't Nazis. [Business Insider]

Via Adweek

Political discussion welcome.

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