Saturday, June 20, 2020

Politics Corner, June 20th

"Lady Freedom" by skpy is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0 

Okay, I never expected "the entire population of China will be in Tulsa" but I didn't think it would be the couple thousand of the small town where I grew up. I will grant that the projected numbers were always ridiculous but Oklahoma is solid red territory. And that just brings up another question: did they think if they wished hard enough that people would show up? Well, Republicans better start clapping for Tinkerbell because his chances of reelection are looking worse than his chance of defeating that ramp.

Massive caveat: when Republicans can't win elections they steal them. They are engaging in voter suppression everywhere from Georgia to Wisconsin to Kentucky. They'd try to steal California if they had the chance. They'd rather win than be right. So take nothing for granted.

This is something that happens when you cross the equator
On a straight cruise
photo mine

Political discussion welcome.

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