Saturday, March 7, 2020

SNL Live Thread 3/7/20: Daniel Craig and The Weekend

Via YouTube

Taking a break from continually teasing us all as to whether or not he will continue to be James Bond in another movie (I mean another movie after the one that's currently awaiting release that is), Craig, Daniel Craig marks his 2nd time as host of the show. I don't remember much about his previous outing as host---its funny i remember watching it with my mom (cause she so rarely actually watches the show anymore--that's not a new thing, I believe the last time she regularly watched the show was actually in the 80s or maybe early 90s and even then with that cast that i consider to be the show's greatest, she often seemed to be less than thrilled with its uneven quality every week) (I think it was roughly around the time Carvey left that she more or less left me to watch it on my own with occasional viewings here and there if there was someone she liked) Anyways my rambling is meant to signify that it was more notable for me that i watched it with my mother, then anything that actually happened on it. (I vaguely remember a sketch where he played a construction worker right??? I don't even know what the joke was supposed to be, but he was definitely a construction worker in one of them)

 Anyways, uhhh if i was home for this I probably wouldn't get my hopes up too high...I'm probably gonna go opt to go to my friend's house party--I mean I stay home most nights as it is, and what I'm gonna stay home because i gotta see Daniel Craig on the tv??? Let me tell you--even tho he's a fine Bone, he's no Mark Harmon, and SNL is no NCIS--now there's a show whose quality you can set a watch to week in, and week out dagnavit--although that's not entirely true, as they also have the occasional off episode---as Chander Marlowe reminded me recently they did have that one episode that had French Stewart as a serial killer who was taunting McGee which made absolutely no sense, but it had French Stewart in it and you know I can't hate anything that has him in it! What was i talking about again? Right French Stewart! Man i love that guy! How come he never got to host SNL??? Third Rock From the Sun was a pretty popular show on NBC for its first couple of seasons!!!! Right???

It's like how Matt LeBlanc was the only one of the six Friends to never host SNL, tho I would bet anything that the show had asked him to--I mean it was Friends--and they got the other 5 to host the show at various times during the show's long run! Now that i'm thinking about it--John Ratzenberger might've been the only cast member of Cheers to have never hosted SNL during that show's run, and I don't believe Michael Richards ever hosted during the run of Seinfeld either. Why am i suddenly going off on a tangent about super hit NBC shows and the cast members on them to never host SNL??? Did Noah Wylie ever get to host the show??? Eriq LaSalle??? Holy Moly I don't think Mariska Hargitay has ever hosted the show--and she lives in NY!!!!)

Ok now that I've gone and rambled on about nothing for a bit--let me tell you that musical guest The Weekend is making his third time on the show--having previously appeared as musical guest in both October of 2015, and October of 2016! (He's the singer of that song that goes "I Can't Feel My Face When I'm With You...But I Like It...But I Like It") (I'm not old and musically irrelevant!!!! I remember when that was on the radio dangit)  Both times he was on the show, Weekend Update did a joke that featured him called "The Weekend Update" (ha!) and it was just him saying "Um not too much" "This has been The Weekend Update"  (get it? get it?) So you should probably expect that to make another appearance tonight!

SNL Vintage tonight is the one that The Rock hosted in March of 2009 (If i remember right this was the one that had that sketch that had Obama getting mad and turning into The Rock who was Obama's version of The Hulk--aka The Rock Obama (Cause it sounds like Barack! I Get Jokes!!!!)
Ray LaMontagne was the musical guest that show. (I'm genuinely happily surprised to see that he was popular enough to be musical guest on the show at one time---tho to be fair i really only that one song--"Trouble....trouble, trouble, trouble...Worry...worry, worry, worry") (It was featured in that ad that had the dog really worried about being able to pay his bills on time!!!) (That was a sad commercial!)

Anyways VIVA SNL!!!! (Now and Forever At the Wintergarden Theater!)