Sunday, February 2, 2020

Totally Tunes: And I Try, Oh My God Do I Try

Hi everyone! As you can tell, I'm not regular feature writer Sassylicious, but I'm covering for her for the time being. Even though I've written for Whatcha Listenin' To back in our old Pop Culture channel, I'm afraid I won't be able to give you quality reads like Sassy does, but hey I'll do my best (and if you have a problem, you can complain... albeit I demand it to be in song form).

Photo credit: Pexels

Now, let's talk about something in music everyone loves... EARWORMS! Yes, those songs that are catchy as all hell and get stuck on your mind long after you've listened to them last. Songs that trigger themselves in your thoughts by just reading a line from the lyrics, or by hearing the name of the band/artist that performs them. Did the title on this very article trigger a certain earworm in your head?

Earworms not necessarily have to be terrible songs like the one above, they can be tunes you genuinely like, but that you 100% know you won't be able to forget for a few hours after you listen to them. These kinds of songs usually become very popular in media due to their very own ability to expand and live rent-free in people's minds, and heck, most earworms freely enter in the "one-hit wonder" category.

Or, to boot, can become memes for the sheer weirdness factor or the artificial strange connection the masses have with them. Like, say, mention the first line of the song in a comment, and there's always someone else who will continue it, and another selected group that, as the song is an earworm, gets to be unexpectedly tortured by reading the whole comment exchange and hearing the tune in their heads.

Having said all that, it's time to ask you: What's your favorite earworm? And your least favorite? Do you have any fun stories related to earworms?

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