Sunday, January 12, 2020

CBSSM: Kim Novak's Most Important Role And Other Sunday Headlines

Via Giphy
Plus: Octopussies and people who steal pistachios. Seriously.

More at the CBSSM YouTube page.

In Other News Headlines

Holy Shit, The 'One Million Moms' Group Is Truly Pathetic [Wonkette]

Ginge And Cringe Want To Go Full 'Social Media Influencer' For The $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ [DListed]

The (Alleged) Battle Between (Alleged) Coke Mom And American Treasure Megan Mullally Did *Not* Lead To The Demise Of Will & Grace 2.0 [TV Line]

Notable Television Premieres On This Day
Batman [1966]
All In The Family [1971]
Dynasty [1981]
American Playhouse [1982]
King Of The Hill [1997]
Lizzie Maguire [2001]

Today's Anti-Trumpidote

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