Saturday, December 14, 2019

SNL Live Thread 12/14/19: Scarlett Johansson / Niall Horan

Surprisingly Scarlett Johansson is making her SIXTH time hosting SNL tonight! I remember her hosting a couple times prior but i don't think i ever realized she had hosted five entire times before. (She has additionally appeared on the show in guest appearances three separate times as well!)

 For the record she hosted in January of '06, April of '07, Nov of 2010, May of '15, and March of '17. (I remember the first and the last, not so much the ones in the middle--although Bjork, Arcade Fire, and Wiz Kalifa were the musical guests for the ones in the middle and the ones I remember had Death Cab For Cutie and Lorde as the musical guests) If Gena wants to fill all of us in on what the previous Scarlett episodes were like I'd be all for it! She honestly seems to have a better memory for 2000s era SNL sketches than i do. (Gena! Gena! Gena!) My sweet spot is the 90s. (Speaking of which there's a 90s era show airing as the Vintage ep tonight---Alec Baldwin and Pavarotti from Dec of 98.--I do vaguely remember seeing this when it aired now, I mean Pavarotti as an SNL musical guest?!?!?!? I know The Three Tenors were big in the 90s--but SNL?!?!?!? I don't remember any of the sketches off the top of my head--but i know that Baldwin had a thing for playing Tony Bennett on the show at one point--maybe he played him here???)

( Also Why they aren't rerunning the one that Danny Aiello hosted?!?!?!? February of 1996--with Musical Guest Coolio!!!!! I'd of loved to have seen that one! This is a link to this guy's review of the Danny Aiello episode--he apparently liked it a lot--it sounds great!!!)

Since I have a little bit of time I will now regale you all with the story of how i found myself unexpectedly face to face with Scarlett J back in 2005 at the Ziegfeld premiere of the movie "The Island"--once again working as an usher, i went downstairs i think to tell the guy who was manning the front something or other and i threw in a "If you see Scarlett say hi for me" to which he literally pointed right in back of me and I turn around and she's literally right behind me--so i says Scarlett and she says "that's right and you are?" Immediately choked! I think i might've mumbled something along the lines of "Oh just a guy" I don't even remember honestly, all i remember is she pretty quickly moved elsewhere. ("Wait come back, I've got other things to not say!") (In retrospect tho--what do you mean "who am i?" i got a nametag with my name written right on it! When i randomly bumped into Al Roker while not looking where i was pushing my broom that one time and looked up and said Al Roker?!?!?!? He knew to look at my name tag and say "Matthew?!?!?!?") Anyways that's my Scarlett story (and also my Al Roker story!) (nods) Memories!

Anyways back to reality here--- the musical guest tonight is Niall Horan whom i don't a thing about. Googling him reveals that he was once a member of One Direction. (Huh 2nd One Direction veteran they've had this season) he was born in 1993, and he has an anecdote about how Lizzo hit on him once or something. (shrugs) Oh he's playing Boston tomorrow--he better not stay out too late at the after party then!


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