Thursday, December 12, 2019

Jeopardy! recap for Thur., Dec. 12

Let's meet today's contestants:

- Kim, a writer-editor from New York, has been to 4 Olympics and loves archery;
- Brad, a communications manager from Maryland, is living the dream of his Jeopardy!-loving wife; and
- Jennifer, a wine-tasting consultant from Michigan, is an ice dancer. Jennifer is a six-day champ with winnings of $171,400.

Kim could have taken first place on DD3 but didn't bet nearly enough and just managed to stay alive into FJ with $13,000 vs. $24,000 for Jennifer and $800 for Brad.

DD1, $400 - THE PRESIDENT HAS MONEY TROUBLES - Living on a $112 per month pension after the White House, this ex-haberdasher refused any cashing in on the prestige of the presidency (Jennifer won $600 from her score of $1,800.)

DD2, $1,600 - BIOLOGY - The rhinoceros, the tapir & the horse all belong to the "odd-toed" group of these hoofed animals (Kim won $2,000 from her total of $5,000 vs. $13,600 for Jennifer.)

DD3, $1,200 - BOOK OF THE YEAR - A book titled this year is subtitled "The Hidden History in the Bayeau Tapestry" (Kim won $2,000 from her score of $10,200 vs. $19,200 for Jennifer. Far behind a six-time champ, the best move on both this DD and the previous one would have been to go all-in.)

FJ - WOMEN AUTHORS - In 1947 she testified before the House Un-American Activities Committee on how the film "Song of Russia" was Communist propaganda

Only Jennifer was correct on a FJ clue that should have been a gimme for faithful viewers of the show. Jennifer added $3,000 to win with $27,000 for a seven-day total of $198,400.

Triple Stumper of the day: No one knew the TV crime series about forensics with Marg Helgenberger is "CSI: Crime Scene Investigation".

This day in Trebekistan: Unusually, Alex keeps trying to engage Jennifer in conversation when opening the show, but I get the impression the champ just wants to get on with the game.

Correct Qs:
DD1 - Who was Truman?
DD2 - What are ungulates?
DD3 - What is "1066"?
FJ - Who was Ayn Rand?

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