Friday, November 29, 2019

Politics Corner, November 29th

It pays to stop paying attention to local politics like the Impeachment once and a while. For instance, the struggles of LGBTQetc. people in China reminds me to be damn grateful that I live where I do. There is some small hope now. People manage to get messages out through social media and even have an opportunity to critique marriage law. No one expects change now. They're building for the future. [ABC]

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Back home, the Trump administration expected to separate 26,000 kids from their families at the border. 26,000 kids. And they knew they could not reunite them and they were going to do it anyway. [NBC]

Just a reminder that the people trying to make abortion illegal are doing it to punish women, not help them. The sponsors of the latest Ohio bill believe there is a legal thing called "abortion murder" and know even less about women's bodies. It is impossible for a doctor to relocate an ectopic pregnancy but any doctor that fails to do so would be guilty of "abortion murder". No matter that an ectopic pregnancy threatens the life of the woman and must be stopped. [The Guardian]

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What if Donald Trump, Jr. is "Anonymous". If that were the case he wouldn't feel so bad being knocked off his artificial perch atop the New York Times Bestseller list by A Warning. That would also be giving to much credit to the idiot who attacks Hunter Biden for nepotism. [The Guardian]

One of the Republicans campaigning to run against Ihan Omar has managed something that Trump has not. Her Twitter account has been permanently suspended for repeated violations including tweets that amount to death threats against Omar. [CNN]

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The rest of the world is not recovering from poultry gluttony and the terror goes on. This time it was London Bridge but not The Hague where it was thought to be criminal. [The Guardian] [CNN]

Iraq's Prime Minister will resign in an attempt to stop widespread protests that have gone on for weeks with an ever mounting body count. [NPR]

Italian police stopped a bunch of idiots who were attempting to form a neo-Nazi party. In Italy. The home of fascism. They couldn't even drum up some local loyalty. The kicker? They've been networking with neo-Nazis in Portugal and England. [CNN]

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Political discussion welcome.

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