Hello!!! I'm not exactly who you might expect to run a Feed Me post, but I figured I could do some more with it - when I was in high school, I was feature editor of the school newspaper. People most enjoyed my holiday origin articles, and so I thought we'd look at some history as well.
But first, the food.
I found this delicious recipe for Maple Roast Turkey (with gravy, of course).
The origins of this holiday have had a revolution recently, with more people acknowledging the less than neighborly circumstances between the Pilgrims and the Native Americans in the area. It wasn't a gathering to give thanks in November 1621 - it was a party to celebrate, and the Wampanoags actually showed up uninvited. Led by Ousamequin, more than 90 men arrived, with the intention to help the Pilgrims. In their celebrations they were shooting guns, and the Natives thought they were under attack. After this, the groups did spend the next few days together.
It is believed possible that the Pilgrims were, in fact, eating wild turkey - but there were no potatoes and no pies at this time. Likely included was a Wampanoag dish called nausamp: "boiled cornmeal mixed with vegetables and meat."
So add some of that to your festivities! ;-)
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