Thursday, October 31, 2019

Readers of Booooks

Via Giphy

Welcome to the October edition of Readers of Books. Please share what reading material you have acquired, read, abandoned, and/or recommend.  Don't read?  That's okay too.

Happy Halloween!

Quiz Time!
Our friends at University of Southern Maine have released their annual Halloween Quiz! It pertains to all things pop culture.  How did you do?

Extra credit:
What's your favorite scary/horror book?  

Do we agree?
Book Riot lists the best horror authors of all time....yay or nay?

In Case You Missed It:
Don't read?  Maybe you're burned out. [Book Riot]
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Via giphy

Prince's memoir has been released, aptly named 'The Beautiful Ones'. [Washington Post]
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Via tenor

Iceman Val Kilmer is publishing a memoir!  Do we care? [Literary Hub]
Image result for iceman gif"
Via giphy

Who doesn't love Ansel Adams' work?  WHO??? Well, Pete Souza does. [USA Today]
Image result for ansel adams free domain"
Via National Archives

Teddy Roosevelt had some really good advice about reading. [Mental Floss]
Image result for teddy roosevelt nats gif"
Via giphy

Booker prize broke the rules and gave the award to both Margaret Atwood and Bernadine Evaristo.  The horror! [BBC News]
Image result for margaret atwood gif"
(Sure, Margaret.) Via giphy

Awww, too bad.  Naomi Wolf's book has been canceled.  Maybe now she'll get her facts straight. [Vulture]
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Via giphy

Best sellers this month:
Courtesy of NYT.
1.The Guardians by John Grisham
2.Where the Crawdad Sing by Delia Owens
3.The 19th Christmas by James Patterson and Maxine Paetro

Courtesy of Publisher's Weekly

1.Me by Elton John
2.I Really Needed This Today: Words to Live By by Hoda Kotb
3.Catch and Kill by Ronan Farrow

Happy reading, WoTers!

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