Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Politics Corner, October 9th

"Lady Freedom" by skpy is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0 

Thoughts and prayers for a big chunk of California as they go through massive rolling blackouts. It would be nice to offer more than thoughts and prayers but utility monopoly PG&E never bothered putting enough of the money they collect from Californians on the regular into making their system safe. [NBC]

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As promised, Turkey took immediate advantage of the absence of US troops and attacked our allies the Kurds. [AP]

I don't know what happened to the Trump who threatened to wreck Turkey's economy (like he did to Atlantic City?) but today's Trump invited Erdoğan for a playdate at the White House. [Reuters]

Republicans are still turning on Trump's Turkey terror. They're mostly fine with the rest of his trash but Turkey is too much. [CNN]

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There goes any last shred of lawyer/client privilege for Ghouliani. Trump told Perry and the State Department to go through Giuliani to get to Zelensky. [CNN]

If I were the author of All the President's Women: Donald Trump and the Making of a Predator I would have searched for just two more women with claims of harassment and abuse. 43 victims is a lot but you know 45 is low. [Esquire]

Trump still owes DC and is now promising in advance that he won't pay Minneapolis and is threatening the city if it shuts down his rally. Trump claims that the only security necessary is the Secret Service. [WUSA]

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Another day in water is wet, Trump's tariffs are costing US companies billions. Winning! [Axios]

Trump is outspending everyone else in Facebook ads on impeachment so expect all those photo walls to be more painful than usual. [Axios]

Did you notice the number two ad buyer? Yep, it's that Penzey's Spices and they spent more than the Democrats. This is nothing new for Penzey's but they've stepped up their anti-Trump game. [Business Insider]

Political discussion welcome.

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