Friday, October 4, 2019

Politics, Corner, October 4th

"Lady Freedom" by skpy is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0 

I rarely see movies in the theater these days. Tonight will make twice in one week. Sure, one was a documentary about Linda Ronstadt and tonight will be an overlong episode of a television show that I barely followed by the end, but it's still the communal experience of pop culture. Next week I'll be back in Spanish class at Community college and I'll be watching Guillermo Del Toro's The Devil's Backbone for class credit. Not bad.

So tonight I leave you with FREE SPACE to talk of the day's events, what we didn't learn about Warren's sex life, what Trump still doesn't understand about impeachment and whatever else I missed. I'll see you down in the comments.

The wrong theater, showing the wrong movies
Photo mine

Political discussion welcome.

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