Friday, October 25, 2019

Politics Corner, October 25th

"Lady Freedom" by skpy is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0 

Congratulations! It's an impeachment. A federal judge ruled that the Department of Justice must hand over evidence from Mueller's grand jury stating the obvious: there's an impeachment inquiry going on and that the Department in charge of enforcing the law must also follow it. Expect the criminals at Justice to appeal. [NBC]

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Won't testify voluntarily? Fine, the House has plenty of subpoenas to hand out. [Politico]

Former NSA Advisor John Bolton's lawyers are talking to the impeachment committees about testimony. Neither Bolton nor his mustache are on good terms with Trump. [CNN]

Tim Morrison, an advisor to the National Security Council is on the cards for next week. He's expected to be Trump-friendly but still corroborate some of the prior testimony. [CNN]

The castle-like building in the middle is your Federal Courthouse in Milwaukee.
The basement level is a Kafkaesque maze where my partner had to deal with Immigration and Naturalization.
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The White House is searching for an impeachment propagandist. My money is on future Fox News Blonde Pam Bondi. [Politico]

Trump is increasingly desperate to hide his taxes which just makes us want to see them more. [CNN]

Maria Butina was released from federal prison the same day Felicity Huffman was released from jail. Huffman is not expected to be deported to Russia (Siberia in fact) like Butina but now we all know that Huffman looks like Larry David and we'll never forget. [CNN]

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Trump decided he'd rather have one big payoff from his DC emolument hotel since he's likely to be out of office/out of the country/in prison soon. I'd ask if it was legal for a foreign entity to own hotel rights in what is still a US government building but then nothing that's gone on there since Trump swore the oath has been legal. [The Hill]

We're hitting record federal deficits. The AP headline writer wants to know when that will matter. We know the answer to that question. Deficits only matter when Democrats are in charge. [AP]

Ghouliani was too busy doing the butt dance to realize that all the shit coming out of his mouth was going straight into an NBC reporters phone. This is getting your money's worth from a free lawyer. [NBC]

Trump went to speak at a historically black college. There were protesters outside but only ten students were invited to join the bused in audience. Only seven went in. Make America White Again. [CNN]

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