Sunday, October 20, 2019

Politics Corner, October 20th

"Lady Freedom" by skpy is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0 

Trump's fantasy that the US troops abandoning their post in Syria will come home to the US is just that, fantasy. Those troops are headed to nearby Iraq where maybe they'll work alongside Iraqi Kurds again or maybe the Iraqi Kurds won't trust us this time. [BBC]

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We now know two people who did not testify before Mueller's grand jury and they seem like pretty obvious picks: Donald Trump, Jr. and Don McGahn. [Politico]

The President wanted to release his taxes in 2013 to brag about how much he stole from the US Treasury. [CNN]

Mulvaney digs the hole a little deeper every day. The excuse for Doral? The President "still considers himself to be in the hospitality business." Newsflash: the President is still in the hospitality business. [NBC]

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The President likes to remind everyone that he is still in the hospitality business. He really likes to brag about this to foreign leaders, including leaders of countries where he does business. Not only does this cause him to fuck up our foreign policy in favor of his business (bye bye Kurds, hello Trump Tower Istanbul!) but it also leaves him at risk of blackmail since all those foreign governments have all the dirt on his projects. [Politico]

AG Barr is continuing a Trump tradition of trashing justice in favor of discrimination of a religious nature claiming to be religious liberty. For those of you keeping score at home this is the Opus Dei branch although Trumpist Evangelicals get some play too. [The Guardian]

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Hong Kong is on fire as the protests show no signs of ending. [AP]

Johnson is confident that he'll get his Brexit and maybe he will if people think it will make Johnson go away. Labor is convinced that he won't get his Brexit and are willing to work with parties to their left and far right to stop it. [The Guardian]

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