Saturday, October 19, 2019

Politics Corner, October 19th

"Lady Freedom" by skpy is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0 

Remember when Trump used to make a big deal about how Obama using executive orders to get shit done was an abuse of power and how he never would do such a thing? That's a lie too. [AP]

Bonus: today in how cartoonishly evil a nation we've become. [NBC]

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Having broken the Treaty already, Erdoğan now says he will officially resume the offensive if we don't keep our terms. Meanwhile the Kurds are quite clear that they never agreed to this and Turkey is not honoring this. Gen. Petraeus calls it a betrayal. [Reuters] [NPR]

Business Insider has a roundup of the Trump Administrations abuse of the State Department in service of personal ends. [Business Insider]

The ghost in the window is me. There are other ghosts on the breakwater.
Photo mine

After projecting his meltdown onto Nancy Pelosi (can you even imagine Pelosi having a meltdown? I sure as hell wouldn't want to be in her way) the President shows us all over again how angry he gets when he can't get off the toilet. [The Hill]

Of course Rep. Elijah Cummings, RIP was right to subpoena Trump's taxes. Can we finally see them now? [NBC]

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Current and former White House people seem eager to tell us what we already know. The President is out of control and only getting worse. [Politico]

Speaking of out of control and getting worse, the UK's own bad hair leader can only hold power if he never gets what he wants. [The Guardian]

Sharp eyes may spot both Fiserv Forum and Miller Park
Photo mine

Political discussion welcome.

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