Friday, October 18, 2019

Politics Corner, October 18th

"Lady Freedom" by skpy is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0 

Since Turkey already got they wanted out of the cease fire they saw no need to honor it. [CNN]

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Ghouliani pushed for a visa for a corrupt Ukraine prosecutor in exchange for dirt on Democrats in his supposed quest to end corruption in Ukraine. Project much? [CNN]

Rick Perry defies subpoena and claims that his resignation has nothing to do with, uh, what was that country again? No, nothing at all. [ABC]

Lobbyist Deputy prepares to step up to prime time. [CNBC]

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Tariffs are go. They're meant to punish Europe but will mostly backfire on us. [MarketWatch]

This is interesting timing since Trump plans to set the table for a few of them at his floundering, bug ridden resort. Democrats are condemning it as the shakedown it is. [CNBC]

His immigration policies aren't designed to make our neighbors friendly either. The rampant incompetency is also mucking up the policy. Deportations aren't happening the way they're supposed to and no one is happy. [NBC]

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BUT HER EMAILS were no biggie. This from the State Department. Trump's State Department. [Reuters]

Trump Administration admits that they are still deliberately holding emergency funds from Puerto Rico because (handwave) brown people. [The Hill]

Astronaut, husband and twin Mark Kelly has raised enough money to flip a US Senate seat in Arizona that he now qualifies for the next Democratic Debate. [Politico]

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Political discussion welcome.

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