Tuesday, October 1, 2019

ADverse: Point of Sale - What’s something you bought just because of the packaging?

What products look like on the shelf doesn’t always get as much love as the flashier bits of marketing & advertising. But it plays a big part in moving product. My first thoughts go to grocery stores and big box stores. From cereal to soda and chips to alcohol, there’s a lot going on to differentiate products and make them stand out.

I’ve heard more than one marketing person reckon that Yellow Tail wine’s success in the United States stems directly from the fact that there’s a kangaroo or wallaby on the bottle. Here’s an interesting write up of how Yellow Tail took a big bite of the American wine market:

Photo by rawpixel.com from Pexels

Hey, I’m guilty of it. When faced with decisions on wines I don't recognize, I’ll generally grab one that at least has an interesting label. If it’s going to taste bad it should at least look nice on the table.

I’d go so far to put movie posters, books, board & video games, etc. in with this. Who knows how many horrible games have been sold with quality presentation. 

What’s something you bought just for the looks or aesthetics of the packaging or pitch?

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