Monday, September 30, 2019

Politics Corner, September 30th

"Lady Freedom" by skpy is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0 

A lot happened today but since we're talking about Washington DC we're going to have to hear from the Russian judges before any medals are awarded. Let's start with some good news. Moscow Mitch pulled a surprise move and acknowledged the rule of law. If the House impeaches the President then the Senate will hold a trial. That this was a question illustrates everything that's wrong in DC. [CNN]

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Trump may have lied to the Mueller investigation, at least that's what House of Representatves' lawyers are saying as they ask for documents that may intersect with current impeachment inquiry. [Politico]

Ghouliani got his dearest wish of a big stage with more cameras and more attention. He's been subpoenaed to testify to congress just like a real lawyer. [AP]

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Rep. Chris Collins of New York isn't waiting for impeachment. He's resigning now and entering a guilty plea. [Politico]

Political discussion welcome.

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