Monday, September 2, 2019

Politics Corner, September 2nd

Happy Labor Day everyone. Most of the world honors laborers on May 1st in remembrance of the Haymarket Riot in Chicago ( Most people in Chicago don't know this

 Some of us are still working today. Others will go back to work (or school for me) tomorrow. Unfortunately politics never sleeps. I was hoping for Free Space accompanied by Office Space gifs but the world did not comply. Only Trump took the day off to golf (Trump Golf Count is up to 213,

The White House would rather focus on the death penalty for people who expect to die while committing their mass shootings rather than prevent them from getting the guns in the first place through background checks. [CNN]

Texas has loosened gun restrictions. This was already on the books and it's just accidental bad timing, but when isn't it bad timing? [NBC News]

Chief Executive of Hong Kong Carrie Lam is said to want to step down because there's nothing she can do to stop the protests that she sparked. [Reuters]

Next door, "China has lodged a complaint against the United States at the World Trade Organization over U.S. import duties". Who's winning the trade war? [Reuters]

Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro wants a platform at the UN to rail at the countries that want to help put out the Amazon Rainforest fires that Bolsonaro helped start. [ABC News]

Iran expects more from Europe, due to getting less from the US, if Europe wants Iran to stick with the nuclear treaty that the Trump Administration bailed on. [Associated Press]

Hurricane Dorian is on its way to Florida. [Miami Herald]

And there's a horrifying boat fire in the Channel Islands off of Southern California. [CNN}

Political discussion welcome

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