Sunday, September 22, 2019

Politics Corner, September 22nd

I can't imagine what Trump sees in Indian Prime Minister Narenda Modi. Could it be the nationalism? Or maybe it's the bigotry. It could be just that Modi is itching for a border war. Is Trump even aware that Pakistan is one of our military allies? And that our relationship with Pakistan is already touchy. Is he aware that both India and Pakistan have nuclear weapons aimed at each other and the disagreement over Kashmir is the touchpoint? Who cares? Modi fills stadiums. [BBC News]

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Palestinians may be stuck with Israeli rule but this time they might have a say in how bad it goes for them. The Arab bloc threw it's votes behind Gantz which puts Gantz ahead of Netanyahu with a possible 57 votes to 55. Still not a majority though and President Reuven Rivlen might decide to let Netanyahu attempt to form a government. Could Netanyahu even form a government if given the opportunity? Let's hope we don't find out. [ABC News]

If you don't understand why Boris Johnson could become Prime Minister of England just look at what Labour's been up to when they are on the cusp of power. First they try and fail to pull the title of one of their own. That was just the warm up. If Labour gains power it will be because they successfully stopped Johnson's Brexit attempts. Now unpopular Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn hints that the UK could be better off out of the EU and the party hasn't unified on the one issue that got them here. And you thought Democrats were like herding cats. [BBC News]

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Trump came this close to admitting treason. Changing his story once again to yes he talked to that Ukrainian guy but it was only an example and no collusion NO COLLUSION. Don't worry. Trump will pivot again because the mass of his ass will keep that body in motion. If Trump doesn't tell on himself then Ghouliani will do it. If Trump forgets to send military aid to Ukraine then that comedian/President will tell the jokes. [AP]

We know Pence wasn't very good for Indiana - he would have lost the Governorship if he stayed - and it looks like he doesn't know neighboring Michigan any better. Michigan was already reeling from a football loss to Wisconsin when Pence went to Mackinac (that's mack-i-naw) Island and brought along eight cars. For those that don't live around the Great Lakes, Mackinack Island has had a ban on cars ever since there were cars. There have been special exceptions. None of them have involved a Vice President until Pence. Michigan is the Democrats to lose. Any Michigan voters left, Trump will lose on his own. [The Hill] [Politico]

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Secretary of State Mike Pompeo assures us that we're not going to war unless we have to. Expect Trump to tweet that we're going to war now. [Reuters]

I wanted to make this top story but I really don't have anything to add to this. Alaska has a homeless problem and it's going to get worse for the homeless. It's preventable and it won't be prevented. People will die. The government knows this and would rather kick money back and take money out of the budgets of shelters. [NBC News]

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Political discussion welcome.

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