Friday, September 20, 2019

Politics Corner, September 20th

Update: Now we know what happens when the President is accused of treason. We go to war with someone else. As a bonus he gets to make his blood-thirsty "friend" MBS very happy. We're sending "defensive" troops to "defend" a country that's not the US. [CBS News]

Now back to our previously scheduled programming: There's a bunch of bad news and much of that involves Trump. We'll get to that but let's focus on something good first. We might be too stupid to do something about climate change but somehow we've raised our kids to be better than us. Kids around the world were on strike today to demand action on climate change. The children are indeed our future because left up to us there wouldn't be a future. [Reuters]

The big story today is that the whistleblower story is out in the open (unless the truth is actually worse). Trump has been trying to get Ukraine to bloody Joe Biden for him. Applying all sorts of pressure including withholding military aid (which would also help Trump's boss in Russia). Trying to get a foreign power to intervene in US elections is treason. [Daily Beast]

Here's a handy timeline. [AP]

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It took Ghouliani seconds to go from denial to bragging about Ukraine. [CNN]

Trump responded with his usual nonsense because being accused of treason is just another day for him. [AP]

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Half the country is suing to stop the Trump ban on auto emission standards. [The Guardian]

The US has an asylum deal in theory with El Salvador. I don't trust this because "details to be worked out". This administration is not good with details. [Associated Press]

Countdown: Bill De Blasio goes back to work being mayor of a city with a larger population than all but eleven states, ends Presidential run. [Reuters]

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Political discussion welcome.

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