Sunday, September 1, 2019

Politics Corner, September 1st

It's not exactly a slow news day but it feels like one after yesterday. We've got some stuff to talk about. I'm going to finish my labor for the day (writing this post and scheduling it for tonight) and then I'm off to a cookout with old friends and new. It's something I recommend.

When an 18th century ship and a 21st century boat love each other very much...
Photo mine

As expected things are heating up on the Israel-Lebanon border with Israel and Hezbollah exchanging fire. [Al Jazeera]

The Taliban got the message that Trump didn't think he was sending. Peace talks with the US frees them to attack the Afghan government by attacking yet another Afghan city. [The Hill]

While Pence was busy scolding our allies, Germany shows us how diplomacy is done. Rather than staying home to watch the fate of his golf course, President Frank-Walter Steinmeier apologized to Poland for World War II. [CNN]

Hurricane Dorian is wreaking havoc in the Bahamas as I post. Check any major news outlet for an update (or down in the comments where I'm sure someone will tell us what's going on). [CBS News]

Mass shootings in August accounted for more than a death a day. It's too soon to talk about sensible gun control so make sure that your US Senator knows what's in your thoughts and prayers. [ABC News]

No. It's not.
Photo mine

Political discussion welcome

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