Thursday, August 22, 2019

Politics Corner, August 22nd

"Lady Freedom" by skpy is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0 

One of the wettest places on land is on fire. Trump doesn't do one bad thing but threatens to do another. Giuliani still doesn't know when he should shut up. And Americans are smarter than you think. Pictures today from an unusually patriotic neighbor.

Via my phone

The Amazon Rainforest is burning and of course it's because humans set it on fire. It's a rainforest. It takes a lot to make it burn. But it's cheaper than clearcutting if you want to expand your operation. Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro tried to blame environmentalists for setting the fires to make him look bad. This just made him look worse. His policies are aimed at expansion into the forest which is why these fires were set. This is an entirely avoidable tragedy. [CNN]

Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and others managed to convince Trump that the recission of foreign aid to anyone who disagreed with Trump would be a national security disaster. I never thought that Mnuchin and Pompeo would be the wiser heads that we needed to prevail. [Politico]

Those who stayed up late last night would have seen Patrick's post about the importance of birthright citizenship. It's important enough that we should all be aware that Trump wants to end this. Birthright citizenship is part of the 14th Amendment to the constitution and was originally a way of granting citizenship to former slaves. Since then it has been applied to everyone who is born in the US. It is a key part of our identity as a nation of citizens rather than subjects. [Reuters]

Giuliani just can't stop himself from dragging the people around him down with him. It was bad enough that Trump's personal lawyer was trying to dig up dirt on Biden but now Giuliani claims that the State Department helped him. There's no scandal that Giuliani can't make bigger. [NBC News]

Just when you thought that America most definitely was not smarter than a 5th grader it turns out that only applies to 36% of us. [Associated Press]

Mural by MTO, back wall of the Oriental Theater, gateway to Black Cat Alley, photo by me

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